Saturday, November 22, 2008

first corinthians chapter ten verse thirty-one

if this was my life, would it be easier or harder to deflect/reflect anything good?  am I in action, or am i only dreaming of a life of service full of profound-ness?  am i a spiritual prig or a simple being?

more often than not, i have questions, not answers.  but rather than kill the conversation, my questions enrich it, deeper and further down and in, where i know God works. 

my answer for the day:  whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

just hanging out.

last night, andrew and i just hung out.  we went bowling, ate onion rings, hot wings, mozzarella sticks...basically everything fried that you can dip in a sauce.  we had such fun.  and it was marvelous.  

this quarter of classes is coming to a close, as is autumn.  and i'm not quite ready for fall to exit. it captures people, their faces, in intricacies that other seasons somehow miss.  there is magic in swirling whirlwinds of shades of leaves.  ah, it's been lovely, but fall will be back.  

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

eat batter first.

justification for pre-baking-batter-eating.  i am a believer.  i serve myself a bowl of batter before the baking begins.   

Saturday, November 8, 2008


today, i don't wanna study.  i'd rather hand out gum-balls than insulin, chamomile tea for vicodin, lollipops for morphine drips... 

Friday, November 7, 2008


andrew and i are going to argentina for christmas this year, and neither one of us can wait to be there.  this image reminds of the house keys there - they are all unique and vintage and lovely and open up homes full of kisses on the cheek, hugs, and warm mediatardes with mate amargo and creamy dulce de leche.   

riding the caffeine hog.

iwanna-run-an'-gimme-a-latte. pronto.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

city images.

o'hare...never knew an airport could look like this.
i think it's study-break-o'clock.

just everyday stuff in chicago.

truth be told.

Can't complain today.  Or tomorrow.  Or ever.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Mima playing the piano!

I found this video from Thanksgiving 2006 (possibly from 2005?). Watch for Mima's smile when she rolls off the last note of the song! Isn't this a wonderful memory that practically all of us have - of Mima playing the piano?

How it's looking so far...

Make-shift pantry!

Width = Enough space for 1 Andrew + 1 Ellan.

The Spoon Thing! When Andrew found this in a pile of purchases,
wondering why we had a massive spoon with seemingly no function, 
I declared, "it's for hanging stuff!"

A rainy day across the street from our window

View of street from living room window -
yup, that's the fire escape, circa 1920.  Andrew says, "if there's
a fire, please don't use that."

Grand Hallway

Uncle Tom gave us this table, and Andrew
refinished it as my wedding gift. He literally
worked on it for months - doesn't it just shine and gleam?!

Another view of our kitchen

Front door to our building

Our building

Living Room

Living room

Another view of street from living room window

Entry hallway to our building

Lincoln Park

This is Lincoln Park, a few blocks from where we live. East, to the left of this picture, is North Avenue Beach. Andrew and I have walked down to the park several times - great for jogging and people watching. I walked through the park the other day, watching people and eating Twizzlers.

Twizzlers are the perfect walking food...perfect park food, too. Chewy, delicious, accessible.